Brain Injury Lawyers

Our brain injury attorneys seek justice for those whose lives and abilities have been catastrophically altered. Litigating cases in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and nationwide.

Our Brain Injury Lawyers Get the Results You Deserve

Though it weighs in at approximately three pounds, the brain is the command center of the body. It controls everything we do, think, sense, and say. It manages all of our bodily functions, including vision, respiratory, circulation, digestion, immunity, muscle movement, and hormones. We experience the world through the brain, so any incident that causes injury to this vital organ can have serious consequences.

While a brain injury can be caused by a wide array of accidents, the resulting impact on you and your family can be life-changing. The initial injury requires emergency medical care, and the need for ongoing treatment often adds to your healthcare costs. Pain, suffering, and other losses can hit your household finances hard — which is especially difficult when you cannot work due to the extent of your brain injury. Whether your injury occurred in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or elsewhere in the nation, reach out to the experienced lawyers at Cohen, Placitella & Roth. Our attorneys have the experience you need to obtain the highest level of compensation allowable for the damages you or your loved one has sustained.


Common Types of Brain Injury Cases

  • Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)

    An impairment that occurs at the cellular level that is “acquired” by the victim. An ABI is not due to an external factor — rather, it commonly involves pressure on the brain from a tumor or stroke.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    This type of harm is caused by an external force, like a blow to the head from a car accident, a slip and fall, or an attack by another person. The impact causes the sensitive tissues of the brain to move inside the skull. The incident may also impair the skull itself, which then damages the brain.

Top Causes of Brain Injuries

  • Slip and Fall Accidents

    Property and business owners have a duty to properly maintain the premises under their control. If their failure to do so leads to the existence of a hazardous condition that causes a brain injury, they may be liable for damages.

  • Automobile and Motorcycle Accidents

    Many Pennsylvania and New Jersey residents are victims of motor vehicle crashes every year, which are among the most common causes of brain injuries. Collisions involving cars, semi-trucks, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, boats, trains, and scooters may generate a significant blow upon impact due to their high rate of speed.

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

    When an infant undergoes blunt force trauma or is subject to a particularly difficult birth, a spinal cord injury can result. Although spinal cord injuries are not especially common among infants, they can result in life-long damage and even paralysis. Sometimes spinal cord injuries occur in infants as a result of undiagnosed spina bifida.

  • Bicycle Accidents

    Even with helmets and padding, bicyclists are vulnerable when they collide with a moving vehicle or large objects. The body isn’t protected by a steel shell as it would be in a car, so the impact is severe and may lead to brain injuries.

  • Sports Injuries

    Participants in a wide variety of sports are at risk of developing a brain injury.

  • Violence/Assault

    Violence is a common cause of brain injuries, and even a minor blow to the head can cause serious damage.

  • Explosion/Combat Injuries

    Military personnel and others dealing with explosives are at high risk of brain injury, as both the explosion itself and any impact on the ground or other surface can seriously damage the brain.

Brain Injury Facts

  • 5.3M

    Americans currently living with TBI-related disabilities

  • 1M

    Americans treated for new TBIs and released from ERs annually

  • 80K

    Patients discharged with a TBI-related disability each year

  • 50K

    TBI cases that result in deaths annually

Source: International Brain Injury Association

We Get Results for Brain Injury Lawsuits

Our team of brain injury lawyers have achieved life-altering settlements for victims of medical malpractice. Contact our attorneys today for a free case evaluation.

  • You talk to a lawyer who is really interested in you and who cares about what is happening in your life. You feel they are there to help you and are going to help you. After the fact, they called me to see how it was going. How many attorneys take the time to do that? 

    Marissa H.
  • I researched and filled out a short form online, CP&R came up on my list, and I contacted them first and last. I live across the country; I took a gamble because I had nothing to lose. Later I found it was the right decision. 

    Isaac R.
  • They were all easy to talk to, and I felt comfortable. They explained things in a way that was understandable and took the time to answer a lot of questions.

    George S.

Contact a Brain Injury Lawyer Today

Our brain injury attorneys have achieved historic, life-altering outcomes for clients in Philadelphia, New Jersey, and across the nation. Contact us for a free consultation.

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